Bhagvadgeeta Chapter 1(Part 1)

The God is one, but because of not identifying or knowing HIM, we don't agree. The most important reason behind it is that HE is invisible.

If soul (Atma) is invisible, beyond the normal eyesight, how could we even see the supreme soul (Parmatma). No one is above Him. He is the creator and everyone and everything is HIS creation. 
According to spiritual science, souls need to take the body of humans, similarly,  supreme souls also need to take the body of humans. 

Adhyatma means the study of soul (atma), supreme soul (Parmatma), and the World drama wheel. Dharma means dharna (धारणाएं)( belief) , i.e the rules which are made for humans.

There are 12 main regions in this world, and all says almost the same things for the GOD. That's why HE is said to be omniscient (सर्वज्ञ).
During Mahabharat, the teaching of Adhyatma ( आत्मा का घर्म ) was given, and that is what we know today as  "GEETA" , later in was displayed as " Shrimadh Bhagawat Puran" ,once it was written down in words or script. 
According to " Shrimadh Bhagawat Puran", the very first teaching of Geeta was given by Lord Shiva to Lord Brahma. Based on this knowledge only, this whole universe is created and it was distributed in two parts , Brahma's days (ब्रह्मा के दिन), i.e satyuga and tretayug and Brahma's nights (ब्रह्मा के रात), i.e dwaparyug and kalyug.
Based on these knowledges only, Sanatan Dharma developed. 

One important thing to think upon is that, no promotor of religions or Acharyas ( धर्म प्रवर्तक) , considered themselves as GOD, even in Shrimadh Bhagawat Geeta, Shri Krishna said that GOD never take birth. HE is beyond birth and death. 

Even Arjuna was given clear direction to do meditations and to concentrate on the supreme soul. Now, the question is if the GOD's character and attributes are same, then why there are a lots of different religions and why there is no unity among them. The answer is that we don't understand our own "Holy books". This might be harsh to hear, but we know God as much as we know ourselves only.
The true knowledge will never divide, but unite everyone, that's why it is known as Adhyatma. It's not wrong that protecting our religions should be our priorities but we need to understand that God ( supreme soul) wants us to protect souls ( Atmas) and every Atma's first goal should be peace and purity.

Bodies end after death but soul, despite its different religions is immortal, it need peace and purity even after death.

If we want to understand Geeta, we need to become Arjun (ज्ञान का अर्जन करने वाला), and we need to understand that In our real life kurukshetra means karma shetra, Dharma yudh means the fight between our goods and bads, yog means the union of Atma to Parmatma.


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